We are in the process of pulling together the workshop program for this year's skill-share.  Workshop application need to be submitted by Wednesday 27th July.

To contribute a workshop
e-mail your application to: [email protected]

Please include in your workshop proposal e-mail.
  •  Your contact details (e-mail / phone etc)
  • Name of the workshop / seminar / training session
  • An overview of the what your workshop involves
  • How long you would like the workshop to run - (EG 30mins, 45mins, 1 hr, 1.5hr or 2 hrs).
  • Ideal capacity of your workshop (eg: 20, 40, participants)
  • the desired facility space you would like to hold your workshop in (eg outside / inside)
  • What facilities you need in order to run the workshop (eg: data projector, paper, textures etc).
  • A photo of yourself and a short bio which will be placed on the website.

We will be developing a workbook/program guide for the skill-share, so please think consider developing a worksheet to complement  interactive learning from your workshop.

We cannot guarantee all workshop proposals will be successful, however, we will endeavor to accommodate people who put forward a workshop proposal.

Workshop applicants will be notified by 1st August whether they have been successful.

There will also be a number of openspace sessions available during the skill-share.

See: http://adelaideskillshare.weebly.com/workshop-registration.html

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Activist Skill-share