The workshop timetable is finally available - check it out and get excited

If you would like see the outline with more information about what each of the workshops are about, then check out the workshop program page.
(Note: This timetable may evolve and vary slightly as we draw nearer to the skillshare, but this draft guide will give you an idea about what workshops are planned when at this stage).

There is also the opportunity for some open-space workshops to be run across the weekend.

We will be developing a program workbook to aid learning across the skillshare and to give participants some take-home background info to complement the workshops.

A big thanks to the organising crew and all of the sponsor organisation for making this skillshare possible, and doing a great job in pulling together such a great program.

We look forward to see you there.

8/8/2012 12:28:59 am

THX for info


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Activist Skill-share